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Artichoke Extract

time:2017-03-05    author:  phyto-nutrition

Artichoke Extract
· Latin Name: Cynara scolymus L
· Active Ingredient: Chlorogenic acid
· CAS No.: 327-97-9
· Test method: HPLC
· Specifications: 2.5%,5%,10%,15%,

Name :Artichoke Extract Chlorogenic acid

Source: Artichoke Leaf
Botanical Name : Cynara scolymus L
Extract part: Leaf 
Composition ratio :Chlorogenic acid
Appearance: Fine Brown powder 
Country of origin:P.R. China


Cynara scolymus L is commonly known as artichoke or the globe artichoke ,it is a species of thistle cultivated primarily as a food but also a medicinal plant .The edible portion of the plant consists of the flower buds before the flowers come into bloom. And the leaf of artichoke is the part that used as one of the world’s oldest herbal medicine with multiple health benefits.It has been known by the ancient Egyptians, and the ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a digestive aid. Long known as an herbal medicine, the dried leaves of artichoke have been used in folk medicine because of their hypolipidemic and hepatoprotective activities.

Main bio-actives

The artichoke leaves contain a number phenolic acids, flavonoids (rutin, luteolin), cynarin and sesquiterpenes (especially caryophyllene and beta-selinene). It also contains tannins, sugar substances, inulin, mucus substances, phytosterols (taraxasterol), essential oil, provitamin A and several enzymes.
Chlorogenic acid (CGA) , one of the most abundant polyphenol compounds in the human diet, is a group of phenolic secondary metabolites produced by certain plant species and an important component of coffee.Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that CGA exhibits many biological properties highlighted with antioxidant .



Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus subsp. scolymus) extracts have high antioxidant capacity, due primarily to flavonoids and phenolic acids, particularly chlorogenic acid (CGA), dicaffeoylquinic acids, and caffeic acid, which are abundant in flower bracts and bioavailable to humans in the diet. The synthesis of CGA can occur following different routes in plant species, and hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A transferases are important enzymes in these pathways. Researches reported on Plant Physiology show the isolation and characterization of two novel genes both encoding hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A quinate transferases (HQT) from artichoke. The recombinant proteins (HQT1 and HQT2) were assayed after expression in Escherichia coli, and both showed higher affinity for quinate over shikimate. Their preferences for acyl donors, caffeoyl-coenzyme A or p-coumaroylcoenzyme A, were examined. Modeling and docking analyses were used to propose possible pockets and residues involved in determining substrate specificities in the HQT enzyme family. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of gene expression indicated that HQT1 might be more directly associated with CGA content. Transient and stable expression of HQT1 in Nicotiana resulted in a higher production of CGA and cynarin (1,3-dicaffeoylquinic acid). These findings suggest that several isoforms of HQT contribute to the synthesis of CGA in artichoke according to physiological needs and possibly following various metabolic routes.


There are researches investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of artichoke leaf extracts.One of the investigation was released on Molecules in 2014 demonstraed that 
artichoke exert anti-inflammatory activity by downregulating the expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase(iNOS) in human coronary smooth muscle cells.As iNOS produces large quantities of NO upon stimulation, such as by proinflammatory cytokines and associates with a key pathogenic mechanism in many pathological conditions such as septic shock and stroke.The study result shows the polyphenolic compounds ,caffeoylquinic acid ,flavones and the anthocyanidins from artichoke all downregulated iNOS mRNA expression with cynarin being the most potent one both in HCASMC and at the protein level.


Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L) contains indigestible organic matter that reaches the colon and is substrate for intestinal microbiota. A study of the capacity of artichoke to modify metabolic activities of colonic bacterial enzymes were conducted in the cecal content of Wistar rats.In administrated rats ,Artichoke modified bacterial enzyme activities (increased β-glucuronidase, β-glucosidase, and nitroreductase and reduced nitrate reductase and azoreductase activities), which enhances the capacity of microbial enzymes to metabolize glycosides and nitrocompounds.
Another research published on Biol. Pharm. Bull in 2010 demonstrated that artichoke leaf extract is effective against acute gastritis due to its cynaropicrin in study on rats .Cynaropicrin from the artichoke leaf extract prevented gastric mucosal injury in animal models as it dosedependently prevented the decrease in gastric mucus content and gastric juice by absolute ethanol.These finding suggest that the extract of artichoke may beneficial to the gastrointestinal health.

Hypotensive and anti-hyperlipidemic

Artichoke has been long known as an herbal medicine for treating hypertension,hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic.
Study reported on Journal of Dietary Supplements showed significant activity of artichoke leaf extract in modulating both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a a randomized, placebo-controlled human trial.
Further investigation conducted in 2012 to study the effects of artichoke leaf extract in treatment of hypercholesterolemic type 2 diabetic patients.The clinical trial repoeted on Journal of Medicinal Plants showed the significant lowering effect of artichoke leaf extract on the blood levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol without any significant effects on the blood levels of fasting glucose, postprandial glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, other lipids, SGOT, SGPT and creatinine (P>0.05) compared with placebo at the endpoint and any adverse effects.Such results suggest that fiber-free artichoke extract may be a safe anti-hypercholesterolemic agent but does not improve glycemic control in hypercholesterolemic type 2 diabetic patients, suggesting the involvement of fibers in the anti-hyperglycemic effect of artichoke.


The apoptotic and cytotoxic activity of artichoke has been studied .One investigation was focus on artichike activity against DLD1 colorectal cancer cells .The report on Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention showed hexane extracts from wild and cultivated artichoke were all found to induce pro-apoptotic (BAX) gene expression and a cell cycle inhibitor (p21) .In contrast, anti-apoptotic BCL-2 gene expression was reduced compared to the control group. In addition DNA fragmentation results demonstrated DLD1 cell death via apoptosis. 


In various pharmacological tests artichoke leaf extracts have shown hypotensive , anti-hyperlipidemic ,anti-hyperglycemic, choleretic activity ,hepatoprotective and prebiotic effects . In addition, artichoke leaf extracts contain compounds with antifungal and antimicrobial activities.
Recent studies indicate that artichoke leaf extracts may also have therapeutic potential for
cardiovascular disease. The plant contains multiple compounds with high antioxidant properties .
Extracts of the leaves and root are helpful in arteriosclerosis, jaundice, dyspepsia, liver insufficiency, chronic albuminuria, and postoperative anemia, reduces cholesterol blood levels. In some countries, considered an aphrodisiac.

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