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Saw Palmetto Extract

time:2017-03-04    author:  phyto-nutrition

Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw Palmetto Extract Fatty Acid

· Latin Name: Serenoa Repens (bartram) small
· Active Ingredient: fatty acids phytosterols
· CAS No.: 61788-66-7
· Test method: UV-VIS
· Specifications: 25%

Product Description:

COMMON NAME : Saw Palmetto, Sabal
LATIN NAME : Serenoa serrulata, Seronoa repens, Sabal serulata
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES : steroidal saponins, fatty acids, phytosterols, volatile oil, resin, tannins
DESCRIPTION : Saw Palmetto is a small palm tree with large leaves and large deep red-blackberries. The berries were used by the American Indians as a general tonic to nourish the body and encourage appetite and normal weight gain. The berries were also used in the treatment of genito-urinary tract problems including enuresis, nocturia, and urinary tract disorders. Recent clinical trials have shown that saw palmetto berries are helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
PHYSIOLOGY : Saw Palmetto berries contain an oil with a variety of fatty acids and phytosterols. These fatty acids include capric, caprylic, caproic, lauric, palmitic, and oleic acid and their ethyl esters. The major phytosterols are beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, cycloartenol, stigmasterol, cycloartenol, lupeol, lupenone, and 24-methyl-cyclo-artenol. The fat soluble extract of saw palmetto berries has been shown to inhibit the conversion of testosterone (DHT) which is thought to be responsible for the enlargement of the prostate. In addition saw palmetto extract inhibits the binding of DHT to receptors thus blocking DHT's action and promoting the breakdown of the potent compound.
ACTIVE PROPERTIES : The North American Indians used saw palmetto berries as a remedy for atrophy of the testes, impotence, inflammation of the prostate, and low libido in men. The berries are also recommended for infertility, painful periods, and lactation in women. The berries also have a traditional use as a tonic and expectorant for mucous membranes, particularly the bronchial passages.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE : 320 mg / day


· inhibit prostate hyperplasia
· anti-bacterial activity
· contraction of vascular
· strenghen musicles
· anti-mucosa, diuretic


· Dietary supplement
· Food additive
· Cosmetics 
· Body care product
· Pharmaceuticals


Address:Xingsha HighTech & Development Zone Changsha China.(410100) Telephone:+86-731-86207286 Skype:sales@phyto-nutrition.com

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