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Kelp Extract Fucoxanthin

time:2017-03-04    author:  phyto-nutrition

Kelp Extract Fucoxanthin

· Latin Name: 
· Active Ingredient: Fucoxanthin
· Specifications: 4 to 1

Product Description:

Name :Kelp Extract Fucoxanthin

Source: Kelp( seaweeds,wakame , brown algae )
Botanical Name : Undaria pinnatifida
Extract part: Whole algae 
Purity: 10% 
Appearance: Fine Light yellow powder
Country of origin:P.R. China


Seaweed is one of the largest producers of biomass in marine environment and is a rich arsenal of active metabolites and functional ingredients with valuable beneficial health effects. Kelps are large seaweeds (algae) belonging to the brown algae (Phaeophyceae) in the order Laminariales. There are about 30 different genera ,one is a edible seaweed rich in Fucoxanthin commonly known as wakame .In most kelp including wakame, the thallus (or body) consists of flat or leaf-like structures known as blades. Blades originate from elongated stem-like structures, the stipes. The holdfast, a root-like structure, anchors the kelp to the substrate of the ocean.
Most kelp possess high concentration of iodine, therefore ,they have been used to treat goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by a lack of iodine, since ancient time .

Main Bio-actives

Studies conducted at Hokkaido University have found that wakame possess high level of a compound known as fucoxanthin can help burn fatty tissue.Wakame is a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. At over 400 mg/100 kcal or almost 1 mg/kJ, it has one of the higher nutrient:calorie ratios for this nutrient, and among the very highest for a vegetarian source. A typical 1-2 tablespoon serving of wakame contains roughly 3.75–7.5 kcal and provides 15–30 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Wakame also has high content of sodium, calcium, iodine, thiamine and niacin.


Beneficial for human health

Marine Drugs published repoert said fucoxanthin ,the marine carotenoid that found in brown seaweeds, the macroalgae, and diatoms, the microalgae, and has remarkable biological properties. Numerous studies have shown that fucoxanthin has considerable potential and promising applications in human health. 
The article reviewed many studies that indicated fucoxanthin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-obese, antidiabetic, antiangiogenic and antimalarial activities, and its protective effects on the liver, blood vessels of the brain, bones, skin, and eyes. Although some studies have shown the bioavailability of fucoxanthin in brown seaweeds to be low in humans, many studies have suggested that a dietary combination of fucoxanthin and edible oil or lipid could increase the absorption rate of fucoxanthin, and thus it might be a promising marine drug.

Weight loss

Research report on Biotechnology Journal examined the fucoxanthin effectiveness through a set of randomized dietary six-weeks laboratory test in mice .Results showed that supplementation with fucoxanthin significantly reduced body and abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT) weights, plasma and hepatic triglyceride (TG), and/or cholesterol concentrations compared to the high-fat control group. Activities of adipocytic fatty acid (FA) synthesis, hepatic fatty acid (FA)and TG synthesis, and cholesterol–regulating enzyme were also lowered by fucoxanthin supplement. Concentrations of plasma high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, fecal TG and cholesterol, as well as FA oxidation enzyme activity and mitochondrial uncoupling protein1 mRNA expression in epididymal WAT were significantly higher in the fucoxanthin groups than in the high-fat control group. Overall, these results indicate that fucoxanthin affects the plasma and hepatic lipid profile, fecal lipids and body fat mass, and alters hepatic cholesterol metabolism, FA synthesis and lipid absorption. 
The study in mice that reveals mechanism of fucoxanthin antiobesity effect was released by Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .The laboratory research shows fucoxanthin exert its antiobese effect by inducing expression of the fat-burning Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) to accumulates in fat tissue around the internal organs. Expression of UCP1 protein was significantly increased in mice fed fucoxanthin.Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is usually expressed only in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and a key molecule for metabolic thermogenesis to avoid an excess of fat accumulation. However, there is little BAT in adult humans. Therefore, UCP1 expression in tissues other than BAT is expected to reduce abdominal fat.In the fucoxanthin-fed mice, WAT weight significantly decreased and UCP1 was clearly expressed in the WAT, while there was no difference in WAT weight and little expression of UCP1 in the glycolipids-fed mice. This result indicates that fucoxanthin upregulates the expression of UCP1 in WAT, which may contribute to reducing WAT weight.
Researches conclude fucoxanthin possess antiobese effect and have potential as a nutraceutical for body fat-lowering agent .


Investigations on the crude extracts of seaweed revealed significant antitumor activity, eliciting a variety of research to determine the active ingredients involved in this potential. The Scientific World Journal published a research report that shows the sulfated polysaccharide of fucoidan and carotenoid of fucoxanthin were found to be the most
important active metabolites of seaweed as potential chemotherapeutic or chemopreventive agents.
In the report activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, increase in the immune response, suppression of angiogenesis, and reduction in the adhesion of tumor cells to human platelets are suggested as mechanisms responsible for significant antitumor activity of fucoidan. The superiority of antitumor strength shown by oversulfated fucoidan over natural fucoidan exhibited the critical role of the number of sulfate groups in this molecule. Carotenoid of fucoxanthin and to more extent its metabolite, fucoxanthinol, demonstrated noteworthy antitumor activity associated with the free radical scavenging
potential, induction of apoptosis, and the anti-angiogenic effect. 
More study result support theaflavins anticancer activities on the tumor’s cellular proteasome
function.One study reported on In Vivo. 2012 suggests theaflavins inhibited the chymotrypsin-like (CT) activity of the proteasome and proliferation of human multiple myeloma cells in a dose-dependent manner.Also an isolated theaflavin (TF-1) can bind to, and inhibit the purified 20S proteasome,
accompanied by suppression of tumor cell proliferation, suggesting that the tumor proteasome is
an important target whose inhibition is at least partially responsible for the anti-cancer effects of
black tea.
The present process of research attracting researchers in conducting further preclinical and clinical studies leading to the development of new chemotherapeutic or chemopreventive agents derived from theaflavins .


Numerous studies have shown that fucoxanthin has considerable potential and promising applications in human health. The current available scientific literature determined many bioactivities of fucoxanthin, including its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-obese, antidiabetic, antiangiogenic and antimalarial activities, and its protective effects on the liver, blood vessels of the brain, bones, skin, and eyes.

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